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Compass School is a specialist Alternative Provision for pupils who require additional support who because of exclusion or other reasons, would not otherwise access education in a mainstream school.
We aim to provide personalised learning opportunities in a supportive environment that enables our pupils to either:
· Return and sustain full time education in their mainstream setting, through targeted interventions
· Work with partners to support transition to the most appropriate setting as soon as possible
We work in close partnership with parents, carers, professionals, and local schools to enable our pupils to be equipped with the required skills to progress on to further education, training, or employment.
Furthermore, we aim to proactively respond to emerging and future needs that may be outside our current provision with the ambition of having full-time suitable provision for all children and young people.
Compass School offers full time education and 3 day per week intervention places over five different Pathways.
Our Purpose
The commissioned remit of the provision is a mixture of statutory and targeted duties, as set out in the Memorandum of Understanding with Southampton City Council. These will be reviewed under the proposed new performance framework outlined in the Green Paper (2022). They are:
· To discharge the Local Authority’s duty to provide 6th day provision for permanently excluded pupils.
· To provide high-quality outreach and in-school support to build capacity with mainstream schools, with an aim of reducing suspensions and exclusions.
· To provide strong and robust interventions to enable pupils to successfully remain in their mainstream schools.
· To provide high-quality reintegration for pupils returning to mainstream education or their next education setting.
· To improve academic attainment for pupils in Year 11, who are on roll of the school.
· To increase positive Post 16 destinations.